Friday, May 1, 2009

GPS Protected Bike

Was out having a drink the other night when I spotted this GENIUS of a bike.

It is protected by a satelite GPS system. How kickass is that?

Where ever you are, WE WILL FIND YOU. Take that junky thieves!


  1. Amanda,

    Thanks for checking out my cycling article on

    Love the cool Dutch bikes. I studied over there when I was in college, and was VERY impressed not only by the bikes themselves, but of all the infrastructure the country has devoted to cycling. So much so, I got a Dutch city bike tattooed on my arm before I left!


  2. I just found your blog through Such a great idea to devote a whole blog to the crazy bicycles here in Amsterdam. No matter how many times I go out to take photos in the city, I'm always drawn to the unique ways people decorate their fiets! Can't wait to catch up on your blog!

  3. Oh hi Heather! I'm only just seeing this comment! Blogger doesn't let me know about comments for some reason!

    Anywho hope you can make it to the next blogger meetup when you're back in Amsterdam!
